Rural Resources Victim Services is an open and affirming organization to all LGBTQ+ individuals.
We would like to create a queer affinity or support group so that teens are able to find community and inclusion within their identities. This survey is to understand the needs of the group if it were to meet.
- This group is for anyone who:
Identifies as LGBTQ+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer) + stands for the infinite amount of identities related to sexual orientation and gender identity that are not
included in LGBTQ. - Identifies as questioning or curious
- Identifies as two-spirit or any other non-western gender identity or sexual orientation.
This survey is to understand the needs of the group if it were to meet. Only we will have access to this information. Your responses will be kept private and secure. The information will not be used for a discriminatory purpose.
If you have any questions please email our Community Engagement Program Manager at jludeman@ruralresources.org.