Employment and Training
Helping people get their first job, a better job or their dream job!
A good job is the first step to helping people move from poverty to economic stability. We train job seekers to join the workforce and then help them find and keep good jobs. Working hand-in-hand with other partner agencies in the Workforce Development Council, we can link workers with training, resources and support to launch them into full-time living wage jobs. Through Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) funding, Rural Resources Employment and Training programs serve eligible youth and adults ages 14 and older, with the majority of our funding directed to those age 16 and older.
High School Equivalency
For participants without a high school diploma or GED, we connect them with (and pay for) GED prep classes and/or materials and GED testing fees.
Labor Market Research and Career Exploration
We assist and provide tools for participants to research careers of interest to them, in areas where they want to live, the demand and salaries for those jobs as well as required training or education.
Training Opportunities
- Occupational Skills Training is generally short-term training that results in a certificate or credential leading to employment that provides self-sufficiency. Examples include truck driver training (CDL), Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA), welding and industrial manufacturing technology and phlebotomy. Our programs can pay tuition, books and other training related expenses.
- On The Job Training (OJT): Employers are reimbursed for half the employee’s wages to help offset the cost of training new employees. OJT is generally not available for entry level positions but is for mid-level employment that will provide training for specific skills within an industry. Eligible participants must be 18 years or older.
- Paid Work Experience: Work experiences are generally provided to youth/young adults who lack positive work experience and need to gain soft skills (attendance, timeliness, following instructions, communication, chain of command, etc). We pay participants minimum wage up to 400 hours with a mutually agreed upon employer/work site.
- Support Services: Support Services are used to support a participant while in or after training completion. Support Services may include the purchase of work clothes, tools, gas vouchers, auto-insurance, food handler’s permit, etc.
Rural Resources Employment & Training programs, a WorkSource partner, is an equal opportunity employer / program. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request of individuals with disabilities. Washington Relay Service (TTY) 711.