Community Living Connections
Health Home Program
The Health Home Program is a set of services to support participants who have serious chronic conditions and have social service needs. The Health Home Program provides care coordination of medical, behavioral health and long-term services and support for individuals of all ages through a person-centered health action plan. It is a Medicaid/Medicare benefit now available at no cost to the participant.
The program supports participants in improving their quality of life, helps with post-hospital care, helps manage multiple providers, assist with getting to appointments, identifies helpful community resources, and helps participants get connected to available benefits.
Note: Clients in Asotin, Columbia and Garfield counties are served from Pullman office. Clients in Benton, Walla Walla and Franklin County are currently served remotely.
Who qualifies for these services?
Individuals with certain chronic conditions receiving Medicaid benefits through a managed care organization.
Important note about qualifiying for services: The qualifications listed here are a general indication of who will qualify for these services. If you need these services but aren't sure if you fit the qualifications listed, please contact our offices. We will work with you to find the services to fit your needs.