Community Living Connections

Representative Payee Program

Our Representative Payee program assists those who may need additional assistance managing their Social Security or fixed sources of income. Our financial counselor works directly with clients or their appointed representatives to ensure security in housing, food, and medical needs. Through financial management, our payee services provide protection from financial abuse and victimization. Our clients achieve greater financial stability and independence.

Who qualifies for these services?

Individuals who are on limited incomes such as Medicare and various forms of Social Security income may qualify for assistance with payee services.

Important note about qualifiying for services: The qualifications listed here are a general indication of who will qualify for these services. If you need these services but aren't sure if you fit the qualifications listed, please contact our offices. We will work with you to find the services to fit your needs.

Representative Payee Program Client Stories

We haven't posted any stories about this program yet. Stay tuned though.