Emergency & Transitional Housing
Stevens County Emergency Shelter
The Stevens County Emergency Shelter is a 4 unit facility consisting of 12 beds and one fully ADA accessible unit. The primary objective of the shelter is to assist clients in becoming stable in housing. The shelter serves women with children and female domestic violence victims above all other situations, but can also serve general homeless females, provided space is available.
Who qualifies for these services?
Women with children, females fleeing or attempting to flee domestic violence, and single homeless females.
Important note about qualifiying for services: The qualifications listed here are a general indication of who will qualify for these services. If you need these services but aren't sure if you fit the qualifications listed, please contact our offices. We will work with you to find the services to fit your needs.
Populations Served by Stevens County Emergency Shelter
More Resources
Stevens County Emergency Shelter Client Stories
We haven't posted any stories about this program yet. Stay tuned though.